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Doomsday: Make the Most of Test Day

One of the most undervalued and overlooked aspects of taking the NCLEX is preparing for the test day itself. Note that I said the day- not the test! You've been preparing for the test and studying for weeks, maybe months. That part is all taken care of. It's the day itself that can take any student by surprise. No matter how nervous you expect to be, you need to be prepared for a level beyond even that. Here's how to make sure you're prepared for the big day.

1. Exercise the day before.

You are going to be just a little nervous. Admit it! Admit it, then conquer it. Anxiety could keep you up the night before the test, and the last thing you need is to try to sort through a SATA (select-all-that-apply) question on two hours of sleep.

One of the best ways to defeat insomnia due to nervousness is to get physically tired. Depending on your exercise level, push it a little. If you don't exercise normally, an hour-long walk should be all you need. If you're a runner, go for an extra strenuous one that pushes your limits. Physical fatigue will usually triumph over a case of the nerves and let your brain get some rest.

2. Eat good food, not junk food, for at least 48 hours beforehand.

French fries and a burger sounds like a great "last meal" before your test, right? Wrong. Don't go into a carb coma. Throwing your blood sugar that far out of whack with a less-than-optimal diet will not amount to a win on the big day. It's important to eat well the day before as well as the day of the test. Think healthy, dense carbs and fats (sweet potatoes, wheat pasta, avocado) and protein (chicken breast, chili, beans) in well-proportioned amounts. Eat 50% protein, 50% carbs for breakfast the morning of the test (how about eggs and toast?) and you'll be well-fueled no matter how many questions appear on the screen.

3. Pick a date/time that plays to your strengths.

Too many students are so eager to get the test out of the way that they pick the first test date and time that pops up on the screen. Use a little strategy here! Are you a morning person? Do you like the early afternoon? Are you completely braindead by Friday? Has Wednesday always been your lucky test day?

Whatever has worked for you in the past should be the pattern you go for now. Myself, I'm a morning person who took the test on Monday so that I could have my results without the dreaded weekend slowing things down.

(It worked for me! Passed with 75 questions in just under half an hour.)

Good luck!


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