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Showing posts from December, 2018

Why You Need to Worry About the New NCLEX

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) project has been going on for quite a while now. It's sought to determine if its questions really test what new nurses need to know when they enter their practice for the first time. Currently, only 20% of employers felt that new nurses are empowered with the knowledge to make critical clinical decisions - and that can account for some of the high error rate of new nurses (50% in the first year of practice!), low confidence to advocate for patients, and high turnover in hospital staffing. In an effort to do better, NCLEX is considering some drastic changes, and I don't mean to be inflammatory here, but you should be afraid. You should be very afraid. As technology has improved and the price of it has fallen, the NCSBN has considered using it to greatly enhance questions. And I don't just mean new drag-and-drop scenarios. I'm talking playing through clinical scenarios like a video game where you need to make the right choices . Or els...