1 week old. First minute in the Pavlik harness. Above is my daughter Elena, pictured at the age of 1 week of age. She is wearing what is known as a Pavlik harness, a cruel-looking device that can be confusing to understand. I certainly never thought I would have to understand it beyond the basic nursing questions. I was more than a little wrong. Elena in her harness, meeting her great-grandmother for the first time. Note how her hips could fold in but that she could not stretch her legs out, nor kick to the side. As it turns out, Elena was doomed. She and I literally had all the risk factors. Let's count them together! 1. Firstborn child. Check! 2. Female child. Check! 3. Breech position. Check! 4. Low amniotic fluid. Check! 5. Family history of hip dysplasia. Check check check! When she was first born, I remember craning my neck around from where I was positioned on the table to look at her as she was taken to the isolette. The entire NICU team was...
NCLEX Simplified is a blog that focuses on strategies for studying for the NCLEX by analyzing questions, reading up on individual topics, and discussing test day pointers. NCLEX Simplified was created by Lisa Chou as a method to help students pass their test on the first try. It has a phenomenal rate of success!